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Membership & Match Fees 2025

Membership & Match Fees 2025

Rob Pittman7 Mar - 08:40

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Annual Membership and Match Fees - 2025

We previously changed the way in which you pay memberships and match fees, this change was received positively over the past two season so we've decided to retain the same approach for the forthcoming season.

Following consultation with the captains, we've agreed that we will retain our policy of not charging match for 1st XI fixtures. Match fees for all other fixtures will increase by £1 per game.

The 2nd XI, 3rd XI & 4th XI will now pay the same match fees. This reflects the fact that the 2nd XI will be playing in the Hampshire Cricket League this season (and teas will not be provided). As a result of this, 2nd XI players will be paying £2 less per match in comparison with last season.

In addition, the one-off cost of Annual Membership (paid by all players) will increase by £10. We recognise that these increases are unwelcome, but believe that in the current climate this still offers great value for money.

Annual Membership
All playing members (excluding juniors u12s to u15s) must pay the Annual Membership subscription. The cost of this is £80 (Seniors), £60 (Students).

Payment is required before the 3rd May 2025.
It would be preferable if payments were made by Direct Bank transfer to the club’s Lloyds Bank account (Sort code: 30-90-21 Account no. 01872402), using the player’s name, followed by ‘subs’, as the reference.
Alternatively payment can be made through the ‘Shop’ section, in the Pitchero App.

Match Fees - 2025

1st XI
No Fees

2nd XI
Senior £11
Student £9
Junior £6

3rd XI
Senior £11
Student £9
Junior £6

4th XI
Senior £11
Student £9
Junior £6

Wednesday T20
Senior - £6
Student - £4
Junior - £3

Junior rate - U12s to U15s
Student rate - U16s and upwards in full time education.

As before, we will be using Pitchero to manage the payment of Match fees.
In view of this, we request that all playing members install the Pitchero App on their mobile phones.
Players will receive a request for payment, via the Pitchero App, on the day of each game.
Payment can then be made using a registered credit/debit card. There’s also the option of using Apple Pay or Google Pay.
We’d prefer not to take cash payments, but we will do this in exceptional circumstances.

Best wishes for a successful 2025 season.
The South Wilts CC Committee

Further reading